I can't right click and send shortcuts to the desktop. I can't drag shortcuts to the desktop. Just to use my browser I have to do 3 actions that used to take one. How is this usability enhancement? At least Mint has made it a lot more normal than other distros.
So anyway, now to show how to enable creating a desktop shortcut. (something that should have never been removed.
1) Open your home folder.
2) Press the Ctrl+h key combination to show hidden files.
3) Navigate into the .gnome2/nautilus-scripts directory.
4) Create a new file called 'Create New Launcher'.
5) Edit the file and paste in the following (without quotes) "gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop" and save the file.
6) Right click on the file and select 'properties' from the menu. Click the permissions tab and check the 'Execute: Allow executing file as a program' option.
Now if you right click on the desktop you'll be able to select 'scripts', 'create new launcher' from the menu and create a program launcher how you would expect to be able to crjouyeate one in previous versions of Gnome desktop.